Enjabulweni High Phase

Enjabulweni High Phase

Education is a three-way partnership between parent, child and teacher. Communication and understanding is vital in establishing this partnership in a manner beneficial to all concerned. Understanding the role each party needs to play is important to the success of education. Teachers are responsible for providing an environment conducive to learning and ensuring that new concepts are understood and that work set is completed. Parents are responsible for establishing a routine which makes learning a habit and the desired success, a goal. Children are responsible for completing tasks set and maintaining a high standard of work acceptable to both teacher and parents and indicative of their ability.


General Education Phase (GET): Grades 8 and 9

In the GET phase the pupils are exposed to a full array of learning areas which include the following subjects:

  • English Home Language
  • Mathematics
  • Natural Sciences
  • Biology
  • History
  • Geography
  • Design Technology
  • Food Technology
  • Life Orientation
  • Economic Management Sciences

Pupils in the phase also have a choice of a second language in either SiSwati, French or Afrikaans. During this phase the GET pupils also complete their International Computer Driver’s License (lCDL) which improves their computer skills needed for their further education.

In the latter part of Grade 9, pupils are given the opportunity to choose their subject package that they will carry them through to Grade 12. This process is assisted by the teachers who present their learning area at a Subject Choice evening.

Further Education and Training Phase (FET): Grades 10 to 12

In the FET Phase, the school offers subjects that will lead to the Senior Certificate offered by the IEB (Independent Examining Board of Southern Africa).

These subjects include:

  • English (Home Language)
  • Advanced Programme English
  • Life Orientation
  • SiSwati Home Language or SiSwati First Additional Language Afrikaans or French Second Additional Language
  • Mathematics and/or Mathematical Literacy
  • Advanced Programme Mathematics
  • Physical Sciences
  • Life Sciences
  • Accounting
  • Economics
  • History
  • Geography
  • Engineering Graphics and Design
  • Computer Applications Technology
  • Information Technology
  • Consumer Studies

All packages must consist of seven subjects and all our packages are in accordance with university entrance requirements.

Our afternoons are filled with assisted learning programmes as well as cultural activities such as chess, art club, public speaking, Enviro Club, Magazine Club, Computer Club, Design Club, Scripture Union, band and choir. We have a very active community service programme which embraces both the girls and the boys who provide caring services to the Manzini community and beyond. The sport that is offered includes boys and girls football, boys and girls basketball, boys and girls hockey, boys and girls volleyball, netball, tennis, boys and girls cricket, boys and girls rugby, athletics and swimming.

At Enjabulweni our emphasis is to provide a holistic learning environment that allows young adults to nurture and develop an ethos of academic, cultural, sporting, leadership and spiritual achievement.


We have a fully equipped Learning Centre that caters for children with special educational needs. We have an Academic Support Programme in place that offers children, who require additional educational assistance, the opportunity to be assisted.